
en Default locale
ja Fallback locale


Defined 59

These messages are correctly translated into the given locale.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en messages 1 index.search_form.placeholder You can search by free word
en messages 3 index.header.head-title Mie Workcation Portal Site
en messages 2 index.header.nav5 What's New
en messages 2 index.header.nav2 Search by Plan
en messages 2 index.header.nav3 Search on Map
en messages 2 index.header.nav4 Life in Mie
en messages 2 index.header.languCurrent English
en messages 4 index.header.languJa Japanese
en messages 4 index.header.languCh1 简体中文
en messages 4 index.header.languCh2 繁體中文
en messages 3 TOP
en messages 3 index.header.nav1 What is TOKOWAKU?
en messages 3 news.newsPage.title What's New
en messages 3 life.breadcrumbsHead Life in Mie
en messages 3 report.header.text3 List of Journal
en messages 3 common.entry.simulation AI Simulation
en messages 2 common.sp_title Find the right workcation for you
en messages 3 Map
en messages 3 common.entry.modelplan Sample Itineraries
en messages 3 common.entry.workspace Workspace
en messages 3 common.entry.facility Accommodations
en messages 3 common.entry.activity Activities
en messages 3 common.entry.mobility Mobility
en messages 2 index.header.languEn English
en messages 1 News
en messages 1 Work in Mie
en messages 1 index.mieSearch.work_search Search by Workspace
en messages 1 index.mieSearch.stayAt Accommodation
en messages 1 index.mieSearch.stayAt_search Search by Accommodations
en messages 1 index.mieSearch.hangOut Play & Learn
en messages 1 index.mieSearch.hangOut_search Search by Activity Menu
en messages 1 index.vacation.title <span>Work + Innovation</span><br>in Mie, the land of TOKOWAKA
en messages 1 index.vacation.h2 Workcation portal site “TOKOWAKU" is operated by the government of Mie prefecture.
en messages 1 index.vacation.text Whether you come alone, <br>with a corporate team, <br>or with your family, <br>why don't you give a try on <br>"TOKOWAKU" in Mie Prefecture?
en messages 1 index.vacation.btn What is TOKOWAKU?
en messages 1 Experience Journal
en messages 1 Please read the articles edited by reporters who have experienced the sample itineraries while staying at the accommodations.
en messages 1 View List
en messages 1 index.modelPlan.head-title Recommended Sample Itineraries
en messages 1 index.modelPlan.text In Mie Prefecture, where travelers came and went on pilgrimages to Ise and Kumano, culture and information from the East and West intersected, creating a space where people communicate with each other. In Tokowaka Workcation, we will introduce a variety of plans that allow you to get to know the rich history and culture of Mie, as well as its nature and food.
en messages 1 index.simulationMap.btn1 Search by AI Simulation
en messages 1 index.simulationMap.head1 Let AI decides the best plan for you.
en messages 1 index.simulationMap.text1 Please choose the images you're interested in and answer the questions, and AI will propose a plan that suits you the most.
en messages 1 index.simulationMap.btn2 Search by Map
en messages 1 index.simulationMap.head2 Pinpoint search around your destination.
en messages 1 index.simulationMap.text2 You can narrow your search by category, such as accommodations, workspace, etc.
en messages 1 index.mobilitySearch.head-title Let's move while feeling the breeze of nature!
en messages 1 index.mobilitySearch.text Let us introduce you to the bicycles, electric bikes, and other mobility devices that are not only convenient for local transportation but allowing you to experience the scents and temperatures of nature that are difficult to feel in a car.
en messages 1 index.mobilitySearch.btn Search by Mobility
en messages 1 index.experience.head-title Live in Mie as you are.
en messages 1 index.experience.text Why don't you start your own lifestyle in Mie Prefecture? <br>Let us introduce you to the attractive lifestyle in Mie.
en messages 1 index.experience.btn Life in Mie
en messages 1 index.tokowakaInfo.head-title What's New
en messages 1 index.tokowakaInfo.text Stay updated on TOKOWAKU information!
en messages 2 index.tokowakaInfo.btn View List
en messages 1 base.footerInfoTopContainer.address Promotion of Local Goods Division,<br>Department of Employment and Economic Affairs,<br>Mie Prefecture<br>TEL 059-224-2386 / FAX 059-224-3024
en messages 1 base.footerInfoTopContainer.btn Inquiry
en messages 1 privacy.policy Privacy Policy
en messages 1 base.footerInfoTopContainer.wish Click here to submit the listing request.

Fallback 0

These messages are not available for the given locale but Symfony found them in the fallback locale catalog.

No fallback translation messages were used.

Missing 1

These messages are not available for the given locale and cannot be found in the fallback locales. Add them to the translation catalogue to avoid Symfony outputting untranslated contents.

Locale Domain Times used Message ID Message Preview
en messages 1 You can search by free word You can search by free word