templates/pages/facility/detail.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}{{ entry.titleLocale(app.request.locale) }} | 宿泊施設 |【公式】「とこワク」は三重県のワーケーションポータルサイト{% endblock %}
  3. {% block meta_og_title %}{{ entry.titleLocale(app.request.locale) }} | 宿泊施設 |【公式】「とこワク」は三重県のワーケーションポータルサイト{% endblock %}
  4. {% block meta_twitter_title %}{{ entry.titleLocale(app.request.locale) }} | 宿泊施設 |【公式】「とこワク」は三重県のワーケーションポータルサイト{% endblock %}
  5. {% block meta_description %}{{ parent() }}{% endblock %}
  6. {% block meta_og_description %}{{ parent() }}{% endblock %}
  7. {% block body %}
  8. <main id="modelplan_contents">
  9.   <div class="wrapper">
  10.     <nav class="nav">
  11.       <ol class="nav-BreadcrumbTrail">
  12.         <li><a href="{{ path('top') }}">{{ 'common.top'|trans|raw }}</a></li>
  13.         <li><a href="{{ path('facility_index') }}">{{ 'facility.index.title'|trans }}</a></li>
  14.         <li>{{ entry.trans('title') }}</li>
  15.       </ol>
  16.     </nav>
  17.     {% include "components/entry/detail/_heading.html.twig" %}
  18.   </div>
  19.   {% include "components/entry/detail/_main_img.html.twig" %}
  20.   {% include "components/entry/detail/_summary.html.twig" %}
  21.   {% include "pages/modelplan/_keyparson.html.twig" with {
  22.     modelPlan: entry.getSubEntity,
  23.     parson: entry.getSubEntity.parson
  24.   } %}
  25.   <div class="wrapper">
  26.     {% include "components/entry/detail/_pickup_contents.html.twig" with {
  27.       entry: entry,
  28.       pickup: entry.pickupContents,
  29.       images: entry.pickupContentsImages
  30.     } %}
  31.     <section class="schedule">
  32.       {% include "components/entry/detail/_facility.html.twig" with {
  33.         entry: entry,
  34.         facility: entry.getSubEntity,
  35.         geolocation: entry.geolocation
  36.       } %}
  37.     </section>
  38.     <section style="margin-top: -100px;" class="report">
  39.       {% include "components/entry/detail/_entry_reports.html.twig" with {
  40.         title: 'modelplan.report.title'|trans({'%category%': entry.categoryLocale(app.request.locale)})
  41.       } %}
  42.       {% if recommend %}
  43.       <div class="report-Other">
  44.         <h5>{{ 'common.more_recommend'|trans }}</h5>
  45.         <div class="report-Other__inner">
  46.           {% for item in recommend %}
  47.           {% include "components/entry/detail/_recommend_card.html.twig" %}
  48.           {% endfor %}
  49.           <span class="planBox"></span>
  50.         </div>
  51.         {% include "components/entry/detail/_back.html.twig" with {
  52.           url: path('facility_index', query)
  53.         } %}
  54.       </div>
  55.       {% endif %}
  56.     </section>
  57.   </div>
  58. </main>
  59. {% endblock %}